Friday, August 30, 2013

Deep and Wide

Reading broadly- 

Reading a lot of diverse things is good. It is important for Christians to be very aware of the many different perspectives in Christian Theology and non christian. This keeps yourself from blind spots, but also keeps you gracious towards those from a different perspective. A great habit to get into is reading 1 book for every 5 books you read, on something you would normally not read or is against your own views. Doing this tends to show you that the other side is not as crazy as they have been portrayed as. It may even cause you to realize that you were wrong or you need to refine your current position. On the other hand, it really may be as bad as you were told. In this case, reading things that are contrary to what you believe may challenge your own beliefs and in turn strength them as you think through Biblically why you disagree and why your belief is true. In addition, this can build a greater compassion for those who accept these beliefs an enable you to love them better. 

So read broadly, let the Bible anchor you, grow in understanding, and be gracious as you do it. 


as much as I believe what I just said, this is not nearly as important as reading deeply. 

Reading deeply- 

Many seminaries and colleges teach the next generation of pastors and Christians by exposing them to many different views and books. Although this is necessary, many end up graduating their institutes being so broad in their thinking that they don't know what to believe. They may be very intellectual and versed in all the views out there, but few of them burn in them. Typically, those who have made great impact in Church history are those who caught a revelation from the Word and it just gripped them. They couldn't shake it off of them and it defined their lives. For example, Luther and his revelation of Justification by faith alone. 

I really love that at BCS, they certainly give us other view points, but they primarily want certain truths to embed into our hearts, stir affections, and bring delight. This is so important! Christians who enjoy the beautiful Truths of Scripture. Truths that bring joy to the heart and give power over sin. Truths that bring you to your knees and break your heart for the lost in the world. Truths that reveal Jesus and causes your heart to grow in Love for Him and others. 

So Christian, please read broadly but also deeply. 

Sure, it feels a lot more impressive to tell someone you read 50 books in a year, but try reading 3. In your quest to knock out that huge stack of books on your nightstand or read through tons of Scripture, linger on some of them. Take some of them and read it several times. Master them. let them master you. Let them shape your thinking. Don't run through the garden, slow down and observe and taste of it's fruits. In doing this you will go deep. Ditch the microwave and pull out the crock pot. 

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