Is home where my house is?
Is home where I am comfortable?
Is home where my friends and family are?
Is home where my job is?
As I have been wrestling through the implications and emotions or moving to Minnesota, a very precious revelation has settled in my heart. A few days ago when it dawned on me that I was actually moving, I was quickened with reality. It was nuts for me that I was leaving my closest friends and family to go to a frozen tundra (being a little dramatic here). This is the second time that I have done this. 4 years ago I left my home in Georgia to move to Cali for EBC. Similar battles were waged within my heart at that time too. But what the Lord has made clear then and again now, is where home truly is.
Home is where Jesus is...
When Jesus calls you to something or somewhere, His presence and blessing is on that. Meaning, if you were to disobey going where He calls you, you will miss out on the blessing of His presence on your life. You would be going against Him, not with Him.
Have you ever done something that was so scary or difficult for the Lord and you knew with all your heart that this was God's desire for you, and upon your obedience you were flooded with such joy? You felt God's hand over you and despite the pain, chaos, and difficulty, you felt His pleasure towards you?
I know this feeling..
I wish I knew this feeling more often.
On the other hand, you have probably also felt what it's like doing the opposite. Completely disobeying what the Lord has asked you to do and feeling a utter sense of emptiness and abandonment.
The list of reasons why I am going are long, but what I am ultimately longing for, is pleasing God. I long for His presence and long to be right in the midst of His will.
So where is home? Home is not necessarily where your house, jobs, family, etc. are, but home is right where or what the Lord is calling you to do. Home is right smack in the midst of His will.
Yes I am leaving precious family, friends, and comfort. But if I can have more of Jesus in MN, then MN is where I shall go!
There is no sweeter place then His will!
So what is He asking you to do right now?
Are you home?
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